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Pie.Chart (Component)

The Pie.Chart component provides another kind of charting component in victory-native. Its core responsibilities are:

  • transforming raw data into a format that can be easily accessed and used for charting Pie and Donut charts.
  • display metadata via the Pie.ChartLegend component.
  • offers sensible defaults with the ability to customize the chart, slices, and legend as needed.

This chart does not yet support gestures or animations.


The example app inside this repo has a lot of examples of how to use the Pie.Chart and its associated components!


The example below shows the most basic use of the Pie.Chart.

import { View } from "react-native";
import { Pie } from "victory-native";

function MyChart() {
return (
<View style={{ height: 300 }}>
data={DATA} // 👈 specify your data
labelKey={"label"} // 👈 specify data key for labels
valueKey={"value"} // 👈 specify data key for values
colorKey={"color"} // 👈 specify data key for color

function randomNumber() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + 125;
function generateRandomColor(): string {
// Generating a random number between 0 and 0xFFFFFF
const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffff);
// Converting the number to a hexadecimal string and padding with zeros
return `#${randomColor.toString(16).padStart(6, "0")}`;
const DATA = (numberPoints = 5) =>
Array.from({ length: numberPoints }, (_, index) => ({
value: randomNumber(),
color: generateRandomColor(),
label: `Label ${index + 1}`,


data (required)

An array of objects to be used as data points for the chart.

labelKey (required)

A string value indicating the key of each data[number] object to be used. Currently only used on the legend part of the chart. In the future we may add support for a variety of labels within the chart. The value of the label can be a string | number

valueKey (required)

A string value indicating the key of each data[number] object to be used to draw a slice of the Pie.


The valueKey prop must be a key for a field that has a number value. That is, only numbers can be used as dependent values for charting purposes.


The children prop is a render function which maps through the data and whose sole argument is each individual slice of the pie, allowing you to customize each slice as needed. E.g. this slice will have all the data needed to render a Pie.Slice />.

If you do not provide any children, the Pie.Chart will just render a simple Pie.Slice /> for each slice.

However, you can provide children in order to add things like Pie.SliceAngularInsets and LinearGradients amongst other things to each slice, or to wholly customize your own rendering.

See the Render Function Fields section for an outline of all of the available fields on the render function argument.

The example below shows a more complex use of the Pie.Chart:

Customizing Children Example

import { View } from "react-native";
import { Pie } from "victory-native";

function MyChart() {
return (
<View style={{ height: 300 }}>
data={DATA} // 👈 specify your data
labelKey={"label"} // 👈 specify data key for labels
valueKey={"value"} // 👈 specify data key for values
colorKey={"color"} // 👈 specify data key for color
{/* 👇 each individual slice */}
{({ slice }) => {
const { startX, startY, endX, endY } = calculateGradientPoints(
); // 👈 create your own custom fn to calculate the gradient details (see example app)

return (
{/* 👇 return customized slice here */}
start={vec(startX, startY)}
end={vec(endX, endY)}
colors={[slice.color, `${slice.color}50`]}
positions={[0, 1]}
angularStrokeWidth: 5,
angularStrokeColor: "white",

function calculateGradientPoints(
radius: number,
startAngle: number,
endAngle: number,
centerX: number,
centerY: number,
) {
// Calculate the midpoint angle of the slice for a central gradient effect
const midAngle = (startAngle + endAngle) / 2;

// Convert angles from degrees to radians
const startRad = (Math.PI / 180) * startAngle;
const midRad = (Math.PI / 180) * midAngle;

// Calculate start point (inner edge near the pie's center)
const startX = centerX + radius * 0.5 * Math.cos(startRad);
const startY = centerY + radius * 0.5 * Math.sin(startRad);

// Calculate end point (outer edge of the slice)
const endX = centerX + radius * Math.cos(midRad);
const endY = centerY + radius * Math.sin(midRad);

return { startX, startY, endX, endY };

function randomNumber() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + 125;

function generateRandomColor(): string {
// Generating a random number between 0 and 0xFFFFFF
const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffff);
// Converting the number to a hexadecimal string and padding with zeros
return `#${randomColor.toString(16).padStart(6, "0")}`;

const DATA = (numberPoints = 5) =>
Array.from({ length: numberPoints }, (_, index) => ({
value: randomNumber(),
color: generateRandomColor(),
label: `Label ${index + 1}`,


A StyleProp<ViewStyle> that styles the View which wraps the Canvas and Legend of the Pie chart.


A StyleProp<ViewStyle> that styles the Canvas upon which the Pie chart is drawn.


A number or string (as a percentage) which turns the Pie chart into a Donut chart. The innerRadius prop is the radius of the inner circle of the donut chart. If not provided, the chart will remain a Pie chart.


The innerRadius prop must be a number or a string like 50%.


A render prop that allows you to customize the legend. See the Pie.ChartLegend section for more information.

Render Function Fields

The Pie.Chart children render function has a single argument that is an object with the following fields.


An object of the form of PieSliceData which is the transformed data for each slice of the pie. The slice object has the following fields:

type PieSliceData = {
center: SkPoint;
color: Color;
endAngle: number;
innerRadius: number;
label: string;
radius: number;
sliceIsEntireCircle: boolean;
startAngle: number;
sweepAngle: number;
value: number;

Generally, you would not need to use the slice object directly, but it is available to you if you need to do something custom with each slice. Please refer to the example app repo for more information on how to use the slice object e.g the LinearGradient examples.